Somerset Nursing Home

Our Somerset Nursing Home in Frome who is part of Evolve Care Group joined the nation in a day of Remembrance last Sunday. A special service was held in the morning and a minutes silence was observed to give people time to reflect on the sacrifices people have made in conflicts around the world.

The day was particularly special for a number of people living at the home and their families, as many of them have served in the Armed Forces and had lost friends and family. Some people had tales of wartime romances and bravery to tell, others more sad memories. A 1940’s themed dance and music afternoon was also held to celebrate the memory of people who had lost their lives.

Home Manager Margaret Rhodes, said: “We encourage people living here to look back and reflect on their lives and those that were special to them. Remembrance Day is the perfect opportunity to think of people who are no longer here with fondness and happy memories.”

Our Somerset Nursing Home in Frome supports up to 60 individuals with various nursing and residential needs and is currently recruiting nurses and care workers to join its award winning team.

For more details please contact us via email arrangingsupport@fromenursinghome or call 0117 287 2566.