Somerset Nursing Home

Around the world, people have been celebrating International Women’s Day by calling for a more inclusive and gender-equal world. Frome Nursing Home has been celebrating in its own way by remembering the fantastic stories of the women who live there and celebrating their achievements.

Sharing stories is an important part of life at Frome Nursing Home to help create a close-knit family group but also as part of the personalised model of care, which puts individuals and their past at the centre of every decision. For International Women’s Day there was a particular interest in the stories of Wendy Mills and Eve Wells, who live in the home and were pioneers in their respective fields of employment.

As a child, Wendy was inspired by the stories of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling to try and take flight herself. She joined the WRAF during the Cold War as a fighter plotter, and eventually managed to break the glass ceiling to become one of the first female pilots in the RAF. Maggie Rhodes, Manager said to us “Everyone loved listening to Wendy’s stories of her time as a pilot for parachute drops and as a flying instructor. She had a particularly exciting time once she managed to get equal treatment at work!”

For International Women’s Day everyone at Frome Nursing Home also listened to stories of Eve Wells’ time as a successful landlady in Bognor Regis. It was particular thematic since the stories were told in the home’s very own sensory pub, which has its own glasses, taps and stools etc to create the perfect environment. Maggie told us “Eve’s pub is always popular, but was even more popular than usual due to the fascinating stories about her time as a landlady and about the unique stories of those who visited her pub.”

Frome Nursing Home supports up to 60 individuals with various nursing and residential needs. Frome Nursing Home currently also has room to expand its family. If you would like to find out more about Frome Nursing Home, please email or call 0117 287 2566.