Two Somerset care homes, Frome Nursing Home and Catherine House Care Home, have once again come together to support the Fair Frome Food Bank. The care home’s incredibly generous team members gathered food donations, along with a monetary donation from the two homes, as part of their shared commitment to helping local families in need. This was the second collection drive Frome Nursing Home has held for Fair Frome this year, reflecting their connection to the community and a genuine dedication to lending a hand where it’s needed most. It’s all about giving back to the community they’re proud to be part of, offering ongoing support to this vital local service that makes a real difference in people’s lives.
Jacqui, Home Administrator at Frome Nursing Home, reflected on the initiative: “We collected for Fair Frome earlier in the year, and I felt it was important to do so again. With the rising cost of living, it’s been a challenging time for everyone, but even small contributions make a difference. Food banks play a vital role in supporting not only parents and children but also older people and anyone in need. It was wonderful to be able to contribute to our community in this way.”
Jacqui’s commitment to food banks comes from a long career in public service. She said, “before joining Frome Nursing Home after the lockdown, I worked for children’s services, supporting families. I’ve seen firsthand how needed food banks are, and I really believe in the positive impact they have.”
Nigel from Fair Frome expressed heartfelt appreciation for the collection, saying, “Thank you so much for organising this; it’s really appreciated and truly welcomed.” Team members at both Frome Nursing Home and Catherine House Care Home showed great enthusiasm, generously bringing in a wide range of donations to support the cause.
Both homes will continue their partnership with Fair Frome as part of an upcoming Christmas campaign. Jacqui expressed heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated, noting that every contribution makes a real difference to those in need in our community.
Frome Nursing Home and Catherine House Care Home feel incredibly fortunate to have team members whose dedication to helping others shines through in their work. Their passion and drive continue to be a true asset to both the homes and the Frome community.
For more information about Frome Nursing Home and Catherine House Care Home, please visit or
For information on how to donate to Fair Frome Foodbank, please visit: